This represents the leaders of our kura, who guide and lead our waka, learners and community.
Our heads students in 2025 are (left to right): Taika Reihana, Briah Haugh, Jack Jarvis, Jaya Hopkins and Suli Iketau.
Whānau captains
Hōtoke: Annwesha Saikia and Dylan Creighton
Kōanga: Merrin Luscombe and Cameron Lattaney
Raumati: Arthur Finegan and Tegan Hood
Ngahuru: Alex Johnston and Luke Ward
R2A captains
Pranavi Peddisetti
Sammy Goldsack
R2F captains
Grace Dodson
Lily McCarthy
R2L captains
Luke Redgwell
Eliyas Soltani
Activator leaders (part of Active As funding)
Jade McLeod
Sena Bensemen
Jaiya Barnes
Millie Long
Arts leaders
Ella Davies
Cleo Innes
Zoe Alston
Isabella Botha
Cultural leaders
Kayshana Rapana
Tipene Rapana
Naomi Pio-Pelesala
Lincoln Mumuta
Events leaders
Emily Jia
Ashlyn Read
Isabella van Soest
Julia de Souza
Inclusivity leaders
Mikayla Young
Nisha Magar
Media leaders
Liam Sherman
Finn Masters
New learner leaders
Carly Stephens
Lilly Miller
Isabella Hunter
Brenna Perriam
Devina Dev
Service leaders (new committee for 2025 focusing on volunteering)
Aleia Neal
Saskia Geldenhuys
Joshua Stanners
Sports leaders
Ryder Allin
Charlotte Corbett
Brooklyn Dalgety
Hannah Jack
Shriya Masala
Building communities and transforming futures is an integral part of the Rolleston College Spirit. Many of our learners already volunteer their time, both inside school and within the community. This year, our school council will be working with learners to provide opportunities to volunteer and find their own way to show leadership amongst their peers.
Learners have the opportunity to sign up and log these hours on the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) app which is a nationally recognised service award. Every hour of voluntary work will accumulate towards badges that can be proudly displayed on learners blazers. A record of volunteering will also be available to utilise in job, study, apprenticeship and scholarship applications.
More information about the Student Volunteer Army service awards can be found on their website
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.