Stationery & devices


Rolleston College has partnered with OfficeMax to help make shopping for school stationery quick and easy.

All year levels have a general stationery list to support their learning throughout the year. The general stationery list should be more than adequate to meet a learner's return to school needs.

We recommend only buying the items of stationery you do not have. Your child is welcome to bring items from home, perhaps purchased from previous years, such as scientific calculators and padlocks for the lockers if they already have one. If more than one subject has the same stationery item listed, use your discretion as to how many you buy. For instance, many of our subjects come with clear files to store their work throughout the year and can be repurposed the following year to save money.

Visit the Rolleston College OfficeMax MySchool website.


Rolleston College maintains a comprehensive ICT infrastructure, including an extensive school Wi-Fi network. To utilise this fully, we encourage all learners to bring your own device (BYOD), allowing them to integrate their learning both inside and outside of school.

At the same time, learners will have access to specialist computer technology and software in subjects such as Design, Music and Media Studies.

If your learner does not already have a device, we recommend purchasing either a Chromebook or a laptop, for those with a real passion for technology. Be assured that a Chromebook is more than adequate to support learning in our junior school.

While we encourage you to research a suitable device for your child, the New Era IT website helps make choosing a BYOD device easier. This portal features devices that have been recommended and tested by schools and New Era to ensure they work effectively in the school environment—at the same time, providing a one-stop-shop for devices, accessories, and warranties that are compatible and competitively priced. The portal also provides a range of payment options, including Humm, providing families with a buy now pay later option.