Learning support

"Bright, thriving futures through equity focused support"

Building Communities

Our vision is to foster, support, and nurture inclusivity that embodies equity, where every individual feels a sense of belonging. We facilitate seamless transitions and acknowledge each person's uniqueness, building communities that thrive on respect and togetherness.

Develop Self

Our vision is to create an environment where individuals flourish, actively engaged in their pursuit of excellence and success. We prioritize Hauora (wellbeing) and respect, ensuring every person’s journey is nurtured and supported.

Transforming Futures

Our vision is to create boundless opportunities and unforgettable experiences, illuminating a promising and bright future for all.

Our learning support team is responsible for:

  • Advocating with and on behalf of our ākonga, whānau and kaiako to empower their voices so that all will have greater learning experiences.
  • Supporting ways to identify trends in order to remove barriers for ākonga, whānau and kaiako in our kāhui ako.
  • Developing critical partnerships to ensure there is equity and effective collaboration so our ākonga ecperience success and positive outcomes.

Introducing our Learning Support Team

The team encompases our school whakataukī, He kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea – The seed will not be lost, into our daily support of learners at our kura.

Learning Area Leader for Learning Support: Amy Howley

Learning Support Coordinator: Tanya Prout (Year 11-13 mainstream learners, Te Kura enrolments, SAC organisation)

SENCo: Donna Nichol (Year 9 and 10 mainstream learners, RTLB liasion, Structured Learning and WSL Transitions/Curriculum)

ORS Specialist Teachers: Deborah Dunlop-Stenhouse and Amelia Jarvis-Hall

Our classroom teachers are supported by our awesome Kaiwhakatere team (teacher aides). 

If you have any questions or concerns around the individualised support options please email LS@rollestoncollege.nz.

    English language learners

    Our mission is to empower our learners to transform their lives, communities ​​​​​​and futures.

    Kia ora koutou, bula, nǐ hǎo, goeie dag, kon'nichiwa, hola. Here at Rolleston College, our English language teaching staff assist students of non-English speaking backgrounds, assisting with learning the English language, vocabulary development and an understanding of grammatical rules.

    Our ESOL programme runs throughout year 9 to year 13. The classes are taught in small groups to help with overall academic success. ESOL students in the junior school receive four periods of English language learning per week.

    ESOL students in the senior school can receive 3-4 periods of English language learning. During this time they are developing their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to ensure they achieve academic success in their mainstream classes.

    Through our ESOL programme, all senior students have the opportunity to attain 15 Level 1, 15 Level 2 and 15 Level 3 NCEA credits. Our ESOL programme also prepares our students for the NCEA Literacy examination.

    Our ESOL staff

    Cindy-Rose Ernstzen
    Aneta Matagi

    If you have questions or concerns about our programme, please email us at ESOL@rollestoncollege.nz.