Our board of trustees

The board of trustees is the crown entity responsible for the governance and control of school management. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.  

The Rolleston College board of trustees is made up of ten members and includes elected members, parents, a staff and student representative, the principal, and appointed members who are all passionate about our learners, families and driving Rolleston College forward. 

Leanne Chapman, Board Chair

Louise Milne, Board Trustee

Rachel Skelton, Board Trustee, Principal

Reuben Doake, Student Representative

Arthur Finegan, Student Representative

Jay Geldard, Board Trustee

Barry Ward, Deputy Board Chair

Dan Hunter, Staff Trustee

Joanne Dunn, Board Trustee - Finance Portfolio

Ngaire Sheppard-Wills, Board Trustee - Health and Safety and Personnel Portfolios

Board minutes

Finance reports


Our policies and procedures are now hosted on SchoolDocs. You can read, review and send us feedback online. Log in using our community details:

Username: rollestoncollege

Password: 7675

​​​​​​​Our charter and strategic plans can be found in the dropdown menu below.