2025 start dates

We will close out 2024 with a welcome morning for our new year 9 cohort on Thursday 12 December. Whānau/parents/caregivers of new learners will receive more information about this soon.


2025 start dates

Tuesday 28 January: Welcome morning for year 12 and course confirmation for year 13.

Wednesday 29 to Thursday 30 January: year 13 camp.

Wednesday 29 January: Welcome morning for year 11.

Thursday 30 January: Welcome morning for year 10.

Each orientation/welcome morning will begin with a principal’s address in the auditorium, followed by a session with their Ako or Advisory coach. This will also be an opportunity to discuss and confirm their 2025 courses.

Friday 31 January: Mihi whakatau and welcome day for year 9. Year 13s attend to facilitate the day.

We warmly invite all new learners to our mihi whakatau—whānau/parents/caregivers are also invited to attend. Please assemble by 8:45am in the plaza beside the astroturf. The mihi whakatau will start at 8:50am.

Monday 3 February: Full school timetable begins at 8:50am.

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