Tēnā koutou katoa,
My name is Donna Nichol. I am new to the learning support team at Rolleston College in 2024 as the SENco. I have a special interest in students who are neurodiverse with ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
I started my teaching career in 1998 in the primary sector. I have taught in different regions such as the West Coast, Nelson, Canterbury and Otago teaching all year groups from 1 to 8. In previous roles I have been TiC ESOL, junior team leader and assistant principal in Christchurch, collaborative learning lead as well as mentor and associate teacher.
Recently, I have returned to the Canterbury area from Otago where I was an RTLB for the last 4 years. I have earned a degree from Lincoln University in management, a teaching diploma and more recently, a postgraduate diploma in learning and behaviour with distinction. I am a qualified ESOL teacher, bilingual assessor and trained group facilitator in behaviour management.
I have a passion for teaching children and seeing them come into their true identity of who they are and the strengths they have. I love to eliminate barriers to learning and behaviour and build capacity in teacher practice using evidence-based strategies.
Outside of work, I enjoy mountain biking, time with friends, travelling and being with family. I am on the Board of Governance for Freeslaves.org and in a previous life, used to run a business as a colour image consultant.
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.