World Ocean Day – 8 June

World Ocean Day is coming up on Saturday 8 June so join us this term in celebrating the moana and all it does for us! Aotearoa is 94% ocean, so let’s take this opportunity to come together and get behind the ambition for a healthy ocean. 

Getting involved is easy! Here’s a few ways schools can show your support


In your classroom

Bring the ocean into your classroom – as part of your learning this term, or just for the day. Both the Marine Metre2 citizen science project and Young Ocean Explorers have a variety of fun educational resources, videos and lesson plans freely available for you to use. These resources are designed to integrate the ocean into a number of different subjects or contexts, but there is no expectation that schools undertake a particular programme of work.

Another awesome citizen science project is Spyfish Aotearoa, where you can identify species of fish recorded by underwater cameras in reserves across the motu! This is a great initiative to immerse young minds in citizen science pursuits and contribute to important conservation research.


In your school

Celebrate your love for the ocean and hold an ocean-themed dress-up or mufti day.  

If you’d like to raise funds for the ocean you could encourage your students to run a bake sale or come up with a creative fundraising idea. 100% of all funds they raise will go directly to the marine conservation projects Live Ocean Foundation supports. Set up a fundraiser here.


In your community  

Do the Live Ocean Winter Dip on or around Saturday 8 June. Take on the challenge by doing a 30-second dip with your students, team friends or whānau to celebrate the moana. Share it with us by tagging @itsliveocean on Instagram or your favourite social platform. Check out last year’s highlights.


Volunteering for the ocean

If your students are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award or the William Pike Challenge, we are looking for volunteers to take action, raise awareness and fundraise for ocean health. If you have students looking for opportunities to get their volunteer hours send us an email at

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