The Real Parents team know that parenting can be hard, demanding, and even tiring at times, especially when parenting teens. Come join yoga instructor Letesha Hallett to talk about all the ways we can support our wellbeing (while eating cupcakes!) followed by some super easy mindfulness and yoga you can copy and paste into your everyday lives to make things a little easier.
Letesha is a trained yoga instructor and the director of Yoga Warriors. She’s worked extensively through schools, organisations, and national projects. Letesha currently supports the Canterbury teen parent education units. She has also worked across the All Right? campaign, Sparklers and Tākai as a wellbeing advisor and practitioner.
Cupcakes and Yoga is a free event held at the Rolleston Community Centre.
Term two dates
7 to 8pm on Thursday 30 May
7 to 8pm on Thursday 6 June
7 to 8pm on Thursday 13 June
7 to 8pm on Thursday 20 June
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.