Review policies on SchoolDocs

Rolleston College uses SchoolDocs for our policy and procedure documents. We keep our hāpori/community up to date with policies when they come up for review and encourage community engagement with our documents.

We have topics for review on SchoolDocs:

  • Equal employment opportunities
  • Teacher relief cover
  • Safety checking
  • Police vetting.


Please log in using the information below and give your feedback.


Our login information

Username: rollestoncollege

Password: 7675


SchoolDocs provides a comprehensive core set of policies and procedures applicable to all New Zealand primary, intermediate, secondary, and area/composite schools, that is tailored for each school.

SchoolDocs updates, modifies, and creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team.

Use the link above, or on our website on the Board of Trustees page under Policies to log in.

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