Attendance and engagement at Rolleston College

In 2023, the government developed a strategy for tackling the decade-long decline in regular attendance and engagement in schools, based on what they heard from the sector through Kōrero Mātauranga and the Education and Workforce Select Committee Inquiry into school attendance.

Read the strategy on the Ministry of Education website.

The strategy has three key parts: clear expectations for everyone involved, ambitious targets for attendance levels, and bold actions.

As part of this strategy, we will be sending home regular communication regarding the attendance of your rangatahi. Letters will automatically be sent when a learner’s attendance falls below 90%. This includes justified absences such as medical as it is about time away from school rather than the reason. Letters are also sent when attendance falls below 85% and 80%.

The Ako or Advisory coach of your rangatahi will follow up regarding time away from school, if there is further concern regarding the impact on learning due to absence. We'll also look at how we can best support them, moving forward.

Our key aim is to work with families to ensure that learners do not fall behind in their learning. Learners are expected to be present, participating and progressing. Both home and school have a role to play in this.

Please see the Ministry of Education attendance codes that a school is required to use below. As a parent you will see the codes ‘P (present)’, ‘J (Justified)’ or ‘U (unjustified)’ on the portal. These correspond to the categories below (readable pdf follows image).

The Ministry is responsible for defining justified and unjustified absences and Rolleston College is bound by these definitions.

Download the pdf version.

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