The Phones away for the day policy is in full swing, and all state and state-integrated schools and kura have cellphone rules in place in term two.
The Government cites international research that indicates some key challenges with cellphones at school such as being a major distraction for learners. The rules are designed to ensure that the learning of all is maximised while minimising any potential for distraction and cyberbullying. The approach for “away for the day”, means cell phones either do not come with the learner to school at all or are away and unseen for the day.
In 2024, Rolleston College does not allow the use of cellphones during the school day (8:50am to 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 8:50am to 2:10pm on Wednesday). This applies to all learners.
Learners are expected to keep their phones inside their bags or otherwise away for the day, including break times. Any variations to this, based on medical or learning requirements, can be addressed to whānau leaders.
If there is an urgent need for communication that cannot wait until the end of the school day, learners and whānau can make contact through the school office and we can ensure that messages are passed on via runners.
If learners do bring cellphones to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to any cellphone.
If a learner uses their cell phone or takes it out of their bag during the school day, either in class or during break times, their phone will be confiscated for the rest of the school day. The learner will be able to collect their phone from their pastoral office at the end of the day. Pastoral staff will make contact with parents and whānau about the phone use.
Thank you for supporting this policy.
631 Springston Rolleston Road
Rolleston, New Zealand, 7614
Transforming our world – Takahurihia te ao
Self. Community. Future.