Principal's pānui

Tēnā koutou katoa,

It has been a significantly quieter week here at the college with our senior learners only coming in for their exams. 

Today I had the opportunity to sit in a year 9 numeracy class who were studying ratios. It was heartening to see all of the learners totally engaged and asking good questions. The practical mathematical skills being used by the learners were encouraging as was their ability to work in a group to make predictions and hypothesise.

Our Kahui Ako group of principals met this week to not only farewell Mr Rush from Clearview and Ms Janssen from Burnham, but also to work on some themes and questions for an upcoming meeting with the Minister of Education. We are excited to be afforded this opportunity. Front of mind for us here is making sure that the Ministry of Education Property team is planning better for growth, ensuring that the rate of change initiatives in education are well supported and asking about what extra support for those tamariki who are neurodiverse and require extra support for learning might look like.

We will keep you abreast of the outcomes.

Have a great weekend!




Upcoming events

Saturday 9 to Friday 29 November
Kobe International School visit

Thursday 14 November
Teacher only day (school closed for instruction)

Friday 15 November
Canterbury Anniversary Day (school closed)

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